Gelande Team Raffee Land Rover Wing Vent Covers Type 2
Product Code: ldy028
Brand: DJD
I noticed when it came to wing vent covers for scale land rovers the only choice was the ones that came with the D90 body, so after looking through some pictures of off the shelf real products, I decided to make a couple of different versions.
This was made to look like the top grills that have the four smaller vent slots in, the back being the highest getting lower towards the front one.
For fixing I have found its best to glue them in place, my personnel go to glue is hot melt, as with just a small dob it holds things in positions, but can be removed without damaging the either the body or vent, should you want to swap them out at a later date for say the snow cowls in winter, just so your landy looks more scale when running.
These come in plain resin ready for you to paint.