Gelande Team Raffee Landrover Rear Bumper Type 2
Product Code: ldy014
Brand: DJD
This is a replacement rear bumper for the D90 styrene body, which I made to match the type 2 front bumper I make. Its not really based on anything, I just incorporated the design of the front one into one for the rear and included matching end sections and large step which has checker plate just to finish off the look.
While it doesn't fit directly to the body, its fitted to the chassis so will require you to fit it as you see best. When fixing resin it does require a pilot hole drilling prior to screwing in. Trying to screw directly into the resin without a pilot hole just a bit smaller than the screw will cause the resin to chip.
I have included a picture of it on my test land rover, so you can see roughly what it looks like when in place.
This comes in plain resin ready for you to paint.